2023.. What a Year!
Moving Mountains Ministries 2023 Recap!
Wow! What a year 2023 has been! I have learned so much over this last year! One of the most important things I have learned is to not get caught up in thinking you aren’t doing enough or progressing like you should. God has proven time and time again that He will provide for my family and ministry in His timing. As most know this year did not go exactly like I thought. I got through the month of May trying to work on Moving Mountains Ministries (MMM) and provide financially for my family and realized I spent all my time and energy trying to bring in income. Now this is not a bad thing but it certainly kept me from pouring into MMM like I wanted too. In June I decided I needed something more stable for this season of life and decided to go work for a previous company I worked for and still try to put some effort into MMM. As my time became more geared towards work, I knew I could not put in the time I thought was required to keep up to my standard for MMM. As I look back on this year, I think God wanted me to realize that serving Him doesn't mean I have to spend all waking moments working on this ministry; it doesn’t mean I have to give away a certain # of cars or help a certain # of people; and it doesn’t mean that I have to grow my ministry within a certain timeframe or to a certain income level. God calls each of us to serve in the areas that He has equipped us and prompts us.
So what have we been able to accomplish this year?! Well my initial thought was not much… But knowing that God is not calling me to a certain bar and that He will take this ministry where He wants it, I feel as if we got exactly what we needed to do. In the first part of the year, we were able to formulate our 501c-3 and get all the foundational work done like setting up a bank account, getting a donation platform, and starting to meet regularly with my board.
PAUSE! I don’t think I have ever publicly introduced my board! I am beyond grateful for each of the members of my board for agreeing to help guide and direct me as I lead the efforts of MMM and their sacrifice of time to meet. Scott McCall (Chairman), Ernest Stellingwerf (Vice Chairman), Paul Arneberg (Secretary), Jeff Cordell (Treasurer). UNPAUSE!
Throughout the year, we have done a couple things to help those in our community. First, we were able to give away our first car to a friend’s family member who was really struggling with transportation needs. Her van’s transmission went out and she had no way of paying for a new one. We were able to work with her to find a car for cheap and replace some needed parts to get it running again. She was able to pay for the car purchase and all needed parts at cost. MMM donated all the time to get the car and repair it. We were also able to help a man named George who needed to get out of his apartment by the weekend and we found out on the Wednesday before. Another organization had been working with George, but they only facilitate housing and moving but do not physically move. My contact there reached out to me in a last ditch effort to see if we were able to help George. I’m happy that we had the time and the resources to help! We were also able to give away our first grant towards helping people with low income fix their cars! We had a lady right around Christmas who needed a wheel bearing in the worst way! Like a tire about to fall off! She did not have a ton of money in savings but could not drive the vehicle safely if this was not fixed. MMM was able to give a little bit to help lower the repair cost so she was able to keep some money in the bank.
I don’t know exactly where your life, whether small or large, is God calling you to be a part of? Here at MMM we will continue to help those in need no matter the time that we do or don't have!
Our goals for 2024 are simple! Continue to grow in our skills and help those in need. We currently have 1 vehicle in the waiting that just needs a couple more repairs and will be ready to donate to someone in need! I am also currently participating in a 10 week Non-Profit training course to better help me cast our vision and find more ways we can implement it.
If you are wanting to continue donating or start donating for the first time we switched donation platforms mid year. If you would like to give in the new year or any time in 2024, you can go to https://moving-mountains-ministries-432930.churchcenter.com/giving
Thank you to everyone who has been praying and supporting MMM! I am excited to see what God has for us in the new year!
Matt McCall
Executive Director